Friday, January 8, 2010

Reading does the mind and body Good!!!

Just finished my first book of 2010 by reading Building a Successful Family by Dr. Jerry Pipes. I was never an avid reader, but after graduating from college I got pretty bored with never being assigned to read or write anything. Now I find myself fulfilled with more self education than anything. My interests range from great bigraphies, to self help books, books of the bible (of course), financial management books, books on world religons, and especially more modern reads dealing with our changing culture. I find it intriguing to thumb through other peoples thoughts and creativity. You never know what you can learn until you show that you are open to learning. My goal for 2010 is to have a constant book in rotation. Last year the goal was to read 1 book a month, but I literally excelled that by reading almost 30 books in one year (and this is with having spurts of not reading at all). I'm up for a new challenge in my life. To always have a book on hand that I am in the process of reaidng without giving myself a certain number to see how far I can get. This challenge is not for everybody, but I do believe that knowledge is power.

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